If you’re reading this article, then you’ve heard of LinkedIn. Many people think that LinkedIn is just a business-based social media platform. But you couldn’t be more wrong! I like to consider myself a straight-talking Northern bloke, but I swear that LinkedIn is magic when used properly, and (with over 30 years of experience in the business of building businesses) I consider myself well-versed in the ways of LinkedIn wizardry! A magician never really reveals his secrets – because it’s all smoke and mirrors.
A wizard, however, does.
In fact, I’m so confident about my wizarding abilities, that I know you’ll be able to grow your network from what you’ll take away in this article. The first thing you need to do before you can even THINK about putting yourself out there to connect with people is to make sure your profile is absolutely optimised. And there’s no better way to start than by defining (and understanding!) your niche. After all, how do you know the best way to connect with an audience you haven’t defined? Figure out who you’re talking to before you say anything at all! Once you’ve defined your niche, you can start looking at the rest of this article!
Figured out your target audience yet? Great. Let’s crack on!
Remember – LinkedIn is a BUSINESS platform. First impressions are absolutely vital. You wouldn’t go to an interview if you’ve not dressed appropriately, and LinkedIn is no different!
Speaking of first impressions, you absolutely MUST make sure that you’ve got an eye-catching and compelling tagline. It might seem unnecessary, but that one little sentence is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT part of your entire profile.
Why? Let me put it like this:
Posting on your newsfeed?
Your tagline is there.
Sending somebody a message on LinkedIn?
Your tagline is there.
When somebody sees that you’ve viewed their profile?
Your tagline is there.
When you show up on somebody’s “Recommended” list?
Your tagline is there.
Your tagline is the easiest way for you to explain to people what you can offer them to make any visit to your profile worth their time. Without a good, compelling tagline, it’s bloody difficult (if not impossible) to achieve significant results. The most common mistake people make is using their tagline as a “job title” box. We’ve all seen the: “CEO of ABC Inc.” “Founder of XYZ” “Software Developer”
Those taglines don’t do you any good because let’s face it, folks, your client wants to know what YOU offer THEM. When it comes to a good tagline, you have to know where your niche lies, because it’s going to determine what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it! Here’s the secret: Your tagline has to encapsulate the benefit your customers get by working with you. This should be a strong positioning statement that shows how you help people. A good example: I help X do Y through Z.
I hate to break it to everyone, but the fact of the matter is that nobody wants to waste their time, and those long paragraphs you have for a bio is a waste of time! This isn’t your CV, and it shouldn’t read like it! Think of this section as a sales page – 4 core “sures” to have a successful LinkedIn profile:
Make sure it’s ALL about your prospect.
Make sure it’s CLEAR and CONCISE.
Make sure you clearly show a SOLUTION to THEIR problem.
Make sure you deliver VALUE.
Follow these 4 guidelines, and you’ll see MAGIC.
Also… Use the same language your prospects use. Point out their pain points, and tell them how you can solve that problem. If you’re still unsure, here’s a framework you can use:
- Focus on providing value in two sentences. Any more, and you’ll lose them.
- Benefits, benefits, benefits! Not features! Benefits!
- Clearly show your niche.
- Brag a bit. Talk about your awards, testimonials, reviews, the lot.
- Your background and credentials. The more qualified you are, the better!
- And, of course, your contact details!
What we do:
We help businesses by using LinkedIn as a lead generation channel to connect with more prospects and close more sales.
How we do it:
We work with outbound marketing experts to create clean and neat targeted messages and connect with your ideal customers. That means steady network growth and sales-ready opportunities delivered directly to your door.
Who we work with:
We have experience with businesses across many sectors, but they all specialise in (insert industry).
What people are saying:
Have a look at what some of our customers have said: (insert testimonials).
Our background:
We’re a team of accomplished marketers, etc.
Contact us:
Feel free to reach out to me at (email address) or by connecting with me here on LinkedIn.
This one is so easy, but so often overlooked! Here are the Golden Rules:
- Mirror the style of your niche. If they have front-facing pictures, you should too.
- Be relatable. Like I said earlier: first impressions count!
That’s it!
Follow these simple steps and you’ll become a LinkedIn wizard in no time at all! And if you don’t, then I’ll eat my hat!
Ian Frost, Vancula Agency