At Greater Manchester Chamber’s Summer Assembly, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham gave an overwhelming thank you to the Chamber and its members for their recent and ongoing work looking at skills issues in Greater Manchester. Attendees at the Assembly, chaired by Chamber President Emma Holt, heard the Mayor thank the Chamber team for the work done on putting the GM Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) together, and he also referred to the thousands of businesses that have been involved with the survey work inputting vital evidence on skills shortages and needs. The plan, once approved by the Department for Education, will play a critical role in guiding and influencing future skills developments and delivery in Greater Manchester as part of the Mayor’s ambitions for a new integrated skills and employment system.
Following the Mayor’s speech and Q & A session, attendees used the remainder of the meeting in round table discussion groups looking at a range of training related and skills issues that will play a major role in the ongoing work for the LSIP, ensuring it remains accurate in representing business needs. Chamber President, Emma Holt, said: “It was great to have the Mayor attend Assembly. He appreciated being here and having the opportunity to thank everyone for the work done so far with the LSIP. Businesses are obviously the key audience in this but the work also encompasses training providers and colleges among a range of other groups and organisations that have taken part so far.
“The Mayor’s passion for this subject was clear and its importance here and now in the difficult and challenging economic climate the country is currently in. Having the vast wealth of evidence that is now available will help solve some of the long-standing problems we have with regard to skilled workers and recruitment and it was appreciated by those in the Assembly meeting that the Mayor took time out to come and speak to them.
“From the follow up session it was quite clear that the issue around training employees and having access to a skilled workforce for now and in the future is a major issue. There are a variety of elements connected with this such as, older workers returning to the workforce, people changing careers and overall life skills such as managing finances – an issue that in a cost of living crisis becomes even more important – not being taught effectively. We look forward to continuing to develop the LSIP for Greater Manchester and to play our part with the Mayor to make sure that local businesses get the skilled workforce needed to continue to benefit them and the wider community.”
The Chamber’s current LSIP Survey is now live and is focused on identifying issues around training and can be accessed at:
For more information on how to get involved please contact Diane Elebert-Morgan:
07740 196476 Visit: